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Community Resilience Symposium: Stormwater

Join Us for the Community Resilience Symposium Series Relaunch! Re-Scheduled

Note on rescheduling:

As many of you are undoubtedly aware, our community suffered a horrible loss this past week. June Cooper, daughter of Jonothan and Kate Cooper of Pownal drowned while attending a summer camp at Lake Paran last Friday. 

Out of respect for June, the Coopers, and the people of our community who are still reeling from this loss, we are moving the Symposium to August 11th to not conflict with her memorial and allow our staff, volunteers, and attendees to attend the service. 

The symposium will be at the same location and at the same time, just the following Sunday. 

Date: August, 11th 2024; 12pm-4pm
Location: 467 Center St, Pownal VT 05261
Lunch will be provided
Suggested Donation: $10.00

We are thrilled to announce the re-launch of our Community Resilience Symposium Series starting with Stormwater Management on Sunday, August 4th at Pownal Town Hall. This event is made possible by the generous support of the National Association of Conservation Districts and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets.

Why Attend?

Our symposiums aim to boost community awareness of the valuable state and federal resources available to address pressing community needs. This event will be an open discussion on stormwater with a special focus on infrastructure that enhances community resilience, this event is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to make a difference.

What to Expect

Highlights of the Event:

  • Introduction and Overview: Learn about the history of land use and its impact on current stormwater and flooding issues.
  • Expert Insights: Hear from specialists discussing the biggest challenges in stormwater infrastructure and potential solutions.
  • Interactive Discussions: Participate in open dialogues and network with experts and fellow community members.

Resources for You

All attendees will receive comprehensive resource packets, including info sheets and practice packets on various conservation plans and stormwater management techniques. The full document will be accessible online as a PDF and emailed to participants afterward.

Be Part of the Solution

This symposium is not just about learning—it's about taking action. Your participation and input are crucial in shaping the future of stormwater management and community resilience.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 4th, and be part of this event.

Register now by filling out the form below and join us in building stronger, more resilient communities!


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Can't make it? Join us remotely on Zoom


This is a poster for an event on stormwater management by Bennington County Conservation District, scheduled for August 11th, including a QR code for registration.
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